Felix Peanut Brittle


2 cups granulated sugar

1 cup white corn syrup

1 cup water

2 cups raw Spanish peanuts 

1 1/2 tsp baking soda

3 Tablespoon butter or margarine

2 Tablespoons vanilla

  • In a large pan or frying pan, mix the sugar, corn syrup, and water.
  • Cook on high heat until it spins a thread stirring several times.
  • Add peanuts and turn the heat to medium-high heat. 
  • Cook until the syrup around peanuts begins to turn a light brown. 
  • Stir constantly for 3 to 5 minutes. This cooks the nuts
  • Turn off the heat but keep on the stove.
  • Add soda and stir well.
  • Add butter and vanilla stirring all the while. 
  • Pour on a large 12" x 18" well butter cookie sheet with sides on, from one end to the other but do not spread.
  • Let cool for 2 minutes.
  • when edges can be lifted with a fork. 
  • Take buttered fingers and with fingers and a fork t\pull the edges away from the candy mass. it will stretch thin table or countertop. 
  • Continue lifting the slightly hardened edges until the whole mass of candy has been stretched into pieces.
  • This cools quickly and you have a lot of sizes and shaped pieces. 
